Fuel Systems Repairs

U.S. Coast Guard Station
Burlington, Vermont

Watermark completed paving and fuel system repairs at U.S. Coast Guard Station Burlington to address damage from Hurricane Irene.  The work included removal and disposal of existing dispenser building including dispenser, pump, hose reel, piping, and disconnection of utilities for future reuse.  Also, removal and disposal of existing fuel house including 1,600 gallon diesel fuel tank, concrete tank supports, concrete foundation, concrete containment, and all associated piping and electrical wiring. Existing fuel oil piping from utility trench and wharf was removed. The existing concrete sidewalk, curbing, asphalt pavement were removed. The concrete floating dock on existing steel piles was removed. New concrete curbing, sidewalk and pads were installed.  New 1,000 gallon fuel (gasoline and diesel) storage tanks and associated dispensing systems were installed. The project also included installation of pipe bollards at new fuel storage tanks and provision of new 12-foot by 10-foot Hazmat locker.



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