Design/Build Parking Garage RFP

Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

parkingWatermark prepared a design/build RFP for a new parking garage adjacent to the existing parking garage in what was a surface parking lot at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System in Jamaica Plain.  The work also included modifications to the existing parking garage and associated site improvements.  The project priority was to maximize the number of parking spaces.

Watermark conducted a geotechnical exploration program to obtain subsurface information at each footing location for the proposed parking garage and to provide geotechnical recommendations for foundation design and construction.  Based on the results of the borings, the existing fill was not suitable to support the foundations for the proposed structure.  It was recommended that the foundation elements bear on the weathered or competent bedrock encountered below the fill.

Watermark prepared the civil design which included site grading, stormwater drainage, and utility connections.  Watermark prepared 30%, 100%, and 100% Corrected Design submissions which included a Design Analysis, Specifications, a Cost Estimate, and Drawings.


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