

Watermark has completed water, wastewater, and stormwater engineering and construction projects for Federal, Municipal, and Private sector clients throughout the country. Expertise includes all aspects of civil, sitework, and utility design and construction. Our infrastructure Operation and Maintenance (O&M) experience includes the O&M of a variety of industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment systems, as well as environmental remediation systems. The combination of engineering/construction/operations expertise allows us to be highly effective on projects from the planning stages through design, construction, and into operation. Watermark has experience with design-build as well as design-bid-build project delivery methods.


o Water Supply, Distribution, and Treatment
o Wastewater Collection, Pumping, and Treatment
o Stormwater Collection and Treatment
o Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Controls and Sewer Separation
o Civil/Sitework and Utilities
o All Aspects of Federal, State, and Local Permitting

Design & Consulting Projects

Construction & Remediation Projects

Operations & Maintenance Projects

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