Elementary School Owner’s Project Manager

C.W. Morey Elementary School
Lowell, Massachusetts

Watermark provided Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) services for the Morey Elementary School in Lowell, MA.  The school was a 60,000 square foot Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school located in the Highlands neighborhood.  Watermark performed a review of the 90% and 100% design plans and specifications and provided comments to the City and the Architect.  Watermark coordinated the design review meetings with all of the City of Lowell departments having jurisdiction or interest in the project including: the School Department, Department of Public Works, Engineering, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Health, Parks and Recreation and the Inspectional Services Department.  morey-schoolWatermark represented the project to the Department of Planning and Development and the Planning Board at various hearings required to address site-specific issues.  Watermark also completed the process of the pre-qualification of the filed sub-bidders and General Contractors.  During construction, Watermark continued to communicate with each of the City departments to address a variety of issues and to maintain overall communication of progress in the field.

Watermark prepared a Construction Quality Assurance Program to address and control communications, the flow of documentation, change management, inspection and testing requirements and to define key points of City input.  Watermark provided a full-time Clerk of the Works in the field who served in the City’s interest to monitor construction and perform the required Quality Assurance oversight necessary to ensure the facility was constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.


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