Naval Academy Preparatory School Training Facility Renovation

Naval Station Newport
Newport, Rhode Island

perry-hall1Watermark was awarded a contract with the NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic for the renovation of a 30,000 square foot four-story building located at the Naval Station Newport, RI.  The building was used as a training facility and contained classrooms and a firing range which were in use during the renovations.  This complex renovation project in an occupied space required significant project phasing and close coordination with building occupants.

Watermark conducted a pre-demolition inspection that included a photographic survey of the surrounding area to document the existing condition.  perry-hall2Demolition included interior spaces and MEP systems, concrete floor slabs, as well as the removal and re-building of an exterior wall to accept new windows.

The new space consists of offices and conference rooms for instructors, coaches, and the Commanding Officer.  The construction activities for this project included selective demolition; asbestos containing material abatement; cast-in-place concrete placement; masonry; structural steel; hoist and rigging; framing, drywall, and carpentry; glazing; finishes; painting; floor laying; fire protection; plumbing; HVAC; electrical; and roofing repairs.  The project involved extensive site work including the construction of two hardscape plazas and a stage area for outdoor assemblies.  Utility relocations/installations, exterior lighting, landscaping, and other exterior improvements were necessary, including the removal and disposal of contaminated soil.


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