Legacy Project Design and Engineering
Lowell General Hospital
Lowell, Massachusetts
Watermark was retained by Lowell General Hospital and RTKL Architects to prepare schematic designs and construction documents for $90M Legacy Project. Prior planning for the Oncology Center, fifteen years earlier, allowed for the expansion with only minor modifications to the stormwater management system. After the completion of the Oncology Center, Watermark created a new Planned Development Medical Institution zoning district and campus Master Plan that set the stage for the Legacy Project some ten years later. The project was a fast track design and construction project that required an accelerated engineering effort in order to obtain permits in time to conduct the site demolition prior to winter conditions setting in. Watermark obtained approvals at the first public hearing with the Lowell Planning Board and the second public hearing with the Lowell Conservation Commission.
Watermark provided civil engineering services for the new seven-story bed tower which opened in August 2012. An environmental assessment and geotechnical engineering services were also provided for the project.