Category Archives: Clients

Groundwater Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance

Silresim Superfund Site Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to monitor contaminated groundwater and to perform Operations & Maintenance (O&M) at the groundwater treatment plant (GWTP) at the Silresim Superfund Site. Watermark’s personnel have been involved at this challenging site since the GWTP was designed and constructed in 1994.  The source area was approximately 4 acres in size and contaminated with non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) consisting of many types of organic solvents. Watermark handles hazardous waste on a daily basis.  On average, Watermark has shipped approximately 100 drums of hazardous waste per year.  To date, Watermark has handled and…

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Groundwater Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance

Silresim Superfund Site Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to monitor contaminated groundwater and to perform Operations & Maintenance (O&M) at the groundwater treatment plant (GWTP) at the Silresim Superfund Site. Watermark’s personnel have been involved at this challenging site since the GWTP was designed and constructed in 1994.  The source area was approximately 4 acres in size and contaminated with non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) consisting of many types of organic solvents. Watermark handles hazardous waste on a daily basis.  On average, Watermark has shipped approximately 100 drums of hazardous waste per year.  To date, Watermark has handled and…

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Elementary School Owner’s Project Manager

C.W. Morey Elementary School Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark provided Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) services for the Morey Elementary School in Lowell, MA.  The school was a 60,000 square foot Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school located in the Highlands neighborhood.  Watermark performed a review of the 90% and 100% design plans and specifications and provided comments to the City and the Architect.  Watermark coordinated the design review meetings with all of the City of Lowell departments having jurisdiction or interest in the project including: the School Department, Department of Public Works, Engineering, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Health, Parks and Recreation and…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Construction & Remediation, Municipal/State on by .

Remedial Action Operations and Long Term Monitoring

Former Brunswick Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine Watermark was awarded a Remedial Action Operations (RAO) and Long Term Monitoring (LTM) contract with Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic.  Watermark conducted the Operations & Maintenance of the groundwater extraction and treatment system (GWETS) and performed LTM at the Former Naval Air Station (NAS) Brunswick, Maine.  Since 2011, the GWETS treated a large dissolved phase chlorinated volatile organic plume, which covered approximately 61 acres in what is known as the Eastern Plume.  Semi-annual LTM and reporting are conducted at 6 sites encompassing over 100 wells. Watermark’s initial effort was to review and…

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Remedial Action Operations and Long Term Monitoring

Former Brunswick Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine Watermark was awarded a Remedial Action Operations (RAO) and Long Term Monitoring (LTM) contract with Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic.  Watermark conducted the Operations & Maintenance of the groundwater extraction and treatment system (GWETS) and performed LTM at the Former Naval Air Station (NAS) Brunswick, Maine.  Since 2011, the GWETS treated a large dissolved phase chlorinated volatile organic plume, which covered approximately 61 acres in what is known as the Eastern Plume.  Semi-annual LTM and reporting are conducted at 6 sites encompassing over 100 wells. Watermark’s initial effort was to review and…

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This entry was posted in Environmental, Federal, Operations & Maintenance on by .

Historic Window Replacement

U.S. Custom House New Bedford, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) to replace 34 historic windows at the U.S. Custom House in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The project included the fabrication and installation of 24 true divided-lite 2/2 windows,  replacement of 9 basement windows and  removal of the existing shutters, priming and painting of all surfaces, and then reinstallation of the shutters.  Prior to work starting, Watermark was required to make anHistoric Preservation submission to State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) per Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).    

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Embankment and Culvert Repairs

Cape Cod Canal Cape Cod, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to complete repairs to the drainage system and rip rap embankment slopes of the Cape Cod Canal in Bourne and Sagamore, MA.  This project included repairs to several drainage culverts entering the canal from drainage areas on both sides of the canal.  The purpose of the project was to repair a number of areas where erosion had occurred over time. The project required a significant effort to manage the logistics for the delivery of a large quantity of 6-inch to 12-inch rip rap and other fill materials necessary to…

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This entry was posted in Federal, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance on by .

Design/Build Small Arms Range

Groton Naval Submarine Base Groton, Connecticut  Watermark provided overall design management; architecture; civil and geotechnical engineering; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Administration; and construction management for the design-build of an indoor small arms range at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton, CT.  The indoor small arms range building includes firing ranges; an armory; and administration and support spaces.  The firing ranges provide specialized firearms qualification capabilities including known distance small arms qualification, tactical maneuvering training, and simulated scenario training.  The armory provides secure storage areas for weapons and ammunition.  The administration and support spaces include a classroom, offices,…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Construction & Remediation, Federal on by .

Combat Field Service Equipment Facility Construction

U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center Natick, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District(CENAE) to renovate an existing facility and construct a new pre-engineered building addition at the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, MA.  Watermark provided site drainage, demolition, new foundation and concrete work, installation of a pre-engineered steel building, and interior finishes. As part of the construction services, Watermark provided value engineering services to the CENAE for project revisions and modifications to help the Client meet budgetary constraints.  Some of these revisions included redesign of the HVAC system, the…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Design & Consulting, Federal on by .

Sewer Force Main Condition Assessment and Repair

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Kittery, Maine Watermark was awarded a Maintenance and Construction Job Order Contract (MCJOC) by the U.S. Navy to provide facilities and public works related construction, repair and maintenance services including planning, engineering and construction for federal installations located in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. This project consisted of several tasks including inventorying the existing conditions of the sanitary sewer collection system, conducting continuous flow monitoring including salinity and pH monitoring, monitoring rainfall and tidal fluctuations, analyzing and categorizing data flow, performing manhole inspections and preparing a Sewer System Evaluation Survey Report…

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This entry was posted in Design & Consulting, Environmental, Federal, Project Type, Projects on by .
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