Category Archives: Municipal/State

Groundwater Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance

Silresim Superfund Site Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to monitor contaminated groundwater and to perform Operations & Maintenance (O&M) at the groundwater treatment plant (GWTP) at the Silresim Superfund Site. Watermark’s personnel have been involved at this challenging site since the GWTP was designed and constructed in 1994.  The source area was approximately 4 acres in size and contaminated with non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) consisting of many types of organic solvents. Watermark handles hazardous waste on a daily basis.  On average, Watermark has shipped approximately 100 drums of hazardous waste per year.  To date, Watermark has handled and…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Municipal/State, Operations & Maintenance on by .

Elementary School Owner’s Project Manager

C.W. Morey Elementary School Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark provided Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) services for the Morey Elementary School in Lowell, MA.  The school was a 60,000 square foot Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school located in the Highlands neighborhood.  Watermark performed a review of the 90% and 100% design plans and specifications and provided comments to the City and the Architect.  Watermark coordinated the design review meetings with all of the City of Lowell departments having jurisdiction or interest in the project including: the School Department, Department of Public Works, Engineering, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Health, Parks and Recreation and…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Construction & Remediation, Municipal/State on by .

Groundwater Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance

Silresim Superfund Site Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to monitor contaminated groundwater and to perform Operations & Maintenance (O&M) at the groundwater treatment plant (GWTP) at the Silresim Superfund Site. Watermark’s personnel have been involved at this challenging site since the GWTP was designed and constructed in 1994.  The source area was approximately 4 acres in size and contaminated with non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) consisting of many types of organic solvents. Watermark handles hazardous waste on a daily basis.  On average, Watermark has shipped approximately 100 drums of hazardous waste per year.  To date, Watermark has handled and…

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This entry was posted in Environmental, Municipal/State, Operations & Maintenance on by .

Canalway Development

Western Canal Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract by the City of Lowell, in cooperation with the National Park Service, involving the development of the Western Canalway.  Work involved the demolition of existing canal wall features, storm drainage system repairs, civil and structural modifications, and the installation of new site features.  The project included new concrete retaining walls, a structural steel supported boardwalk, brick and paved walkways, lighting, and landscaping.  Work also involved the fabrication and installation of a historically correct reproduction of a canal fence along the entire work area.  Site lighting was also fabricated to be consistent…

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This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Infrastructure, Municipal/State, Project Type, Projects, Services on by .

Brownfields Assessment and Remediation

Hamilton Canal District Lowell, Massachusetts The Hamilton Canal District area consisted of approximately 15 acres of formerly vacant and under-utilized land in downtown Lowell, MA.  Watermark assisted the City of Lowell with their plans to redevelop this area into a new vibrant mixed-use neighborhood.  To assess subsurface environmental conditions, the City procured Watermark to conduct American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and subsurface investigations at ten properties on a fast-track schedule that coincided with the City’s aggressive public marketing of that area. Watermark subsequently assisted the City in obtaining four Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)…

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This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Environmental, Municipal/State, Project Type, Projects, Services on by .

Elementary School Owner’s Project Manager

C.W. Morey Elementary School Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark provided Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) services for the Morey Elementary School in Lowell, MA.  The school was a 60,000 square foot Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school located in the Highlands neighborhood.  Watermark performed a review of the 90% and 100% design plans and specifications and provided comments to the City and the Architect.  Watermark coordinated the design review meetings with all of the City of Lowell departments having jurisdiction or interest in the project including: the School Department, Department of Public Works, Engineering, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Health, Parks and Recreation and…

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This entry was posted in Buildings & Facilities, Design & Consulting, Municipal/State on by .
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