Category Archives: Infrastructure
Embankment and Culvert Repairs
Cape Cod Canal Cape Cod, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to complete repairs to the drainage system and rip rap embankment slopes of the Cape Cod Canal in Bourne and Sagamore, MA. This project included repairs to several drainage culverts entering the canal from drainage areas on both sides of the canal. The purpose of the project was to repair a number of areas where erosion had occurred over time. The project required a significant effort to manage the logistics for the delivery of a large quantity of 6-inch to 12-inch rip rap and other fill materials necessary to…
This entry was posted in Federal, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance on .Fuel Systems Repairs
U.S. Coast Guard Station Burlington, Vermont Watermark completed paving and fuel system repairs at U.S. Coast Guard Station Burlington to address damage from Hurricane Irene. The work included removal and disposal of existing dispenser building including dispenser, pump, hose reel, piping, and disconnection of utilities for future reuse. Also, removal and disposal of existing fuel house including 1,600 gallon diesel fuel tank, concrete tank supports, concrete foundation, concrete containment, and all associated piping and electrical wiring. Existing fuel oil piping from utility trench and wharf was removed. The existing concrete sidewalk, curbing, asphalt pavement were removed. The concrete floating dock…
This entry was posted in Federal, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance, Project Type, Projects, Services on .Canalway Development
Western Canal Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract by the City of Lowell, in cooperation with the National Park Service, involving the development of the Western Canalway. Work involved the demolition of existing canal wall features, storm drainage system repairs, civil and structural modifications, and the installation of new site features. The project included new concrete retaining walls, a structural steel supported boardwalk, brick and paved walkways, lighting, and landscaping. Work also involved the fabrication and installation of a historically correct reproduction of a canal fence along the entire work area. Site lighting was also fabricated to be consistent…
This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Infrastructure, Municipal/State, Project Type, Projects, Services on .Replace Steam and Condensate Lines
USS Constitution Charlestown, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a Maintenance and Construction Job Order Contract (MCJOC) by the U.S. Navy to provide facilities and public works related construction, repair and maintenance services including planning, engineering and construction for federal installations located in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. This design/build task order included engineering design and construction services required to replace piping and components of the steam and condensate lines running from a junction box located on the pier servicing the USS Constitution across Boston’s Historic Freedom Trail to a boiler, located in a building adjacent…
This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Federal, Infrastructure, Projects, Services on .Gate Operating Machinery Overhaul
Woonsocket Falls Dam Woonsocket, Rhode Island Work at the Woonsocket Falls Dam involved overhaul of gate operating machinery to include: disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, lubrication and testing of all gears, bearings, shafts, couplings, and motor brakes, and replacement of all seals and gaskets with new. Painting and refurbishing of tainter gates including replacement of gate seals, seal supports, seal retainers and all attachment bolts; replacement of wire rope anchor plates; replacement of wire rope and rope anchors including all sockets, clevises, and adjusting bars; disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, and lubrication of gate trunnion bearings; and painting and overhaul of mechanical…
This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Federal, Infrastructure, Project Type, Projects, Services on .Embankment and Culvert Repairs
Cape Cod Canal Cape Cod, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract to complete repairs to the drainage system and rip rap embankment slopes of the Cape Cod Canal in Bourne and Sagamore, MA. This project included repairs to several drainage culverts entering the canal from drainage areas on both sides of the canal. The purpose of the project was to repair a number of areas where erosion had occurred over time. The project required a significant effort to manage the logistics for the delivery of a large quantity of 6-inch to 12-inch rip rap and other fill materials necessary to…
This entry was posted in Construction & Remediation, Federal, Infrastructure on .Pavement and Drainage System Design
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Providence, Rhode Island Watermark was awarded a contract for a facility wide pavement and drainage system design at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in Providence, RI. Watermark designed facility-wide pavement repairs which included cold milling or complete replacement of pavement, curb replacement, parking lot re-design and drainage structure repairs. Watermark conducted an initial inspection and prepared an Inspection Report to provide the VAMC with information necessary to prioritize and focus the design tasks on the highest priority areas based on the amount of funding available. The Inspection Report provided a description of site observations, recommendations…
This entry was posted in Design & Consulting, Federal, Infrastructure, Project Type, Projects, Services on .Storage Tank Repairs Design
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Brockton, Massachusetts Watermark prepared design documents for repairing and upgrading a 300,000-gallon elevated water storage tank. The design efforts include the following features: removal and replacement of interior and exterior coating system; provision for containment and environmental protection system; removal and replacement of tank appurtenances such as ladders, guards, gates, railings, and manways; upgrade tank valves and alarms; and lightning protection and obstruction lights. Watermark prepared Design submissions (architectural, civil, electrical, structural, and mechanical engineering disciplines), coordinated independent technical reviews, and participated in design review meetings.
This entry was posted in Design & Consulting, Federal, Infrastructure, Project Type, Projects, Services on .Trolley Bridge Rehabilitation
Lowell, Massachusetts Watermark was awarded a contract by the National Park Service to rehabilitate a trolley bridge and a section of the trolley’s railroad track located in downtown Lowell, MA. The work included the demolition of an existing wooden bridge over a canal, the rehabilitation of structural supports and the reconstruction of the wood decking and railings. A section of the trolley tracks adjacent to the Lowell High School was settling and the railroad bed required regrading. The work involved the removal of approximately 500 feet of railroad track and railroad ties, the regrading and compacting of the railroad bed…
This entry was posted in Design & Consulting, Federal, Infrastructure, Project Type, Projects, Services on .